The best way to ensure you get enhanced results when trying to lose weight is by having a food journal. The purpose of this journal is to record your grams of fat, carbs, and calories. Also, record your levels of glucose and ketone. Do not assume your body is in ketosis when it is not. Many people make this mistake. By logging these details, you will be able to make adjustments to your diet and meet your exact needs.
How to track your diets progress
There are many ways to track your progress. The most common ways are to use apps like MyFitnessPal. You get used to logging your progress and I LOVE it when I weigh in and can see the number difference in my weight!
It’s also a great way to look back and say, hey where did I go wrong? I have MyFitnessPal and I log all my meals. I also track my ketosis daily. I test at least once a day. Especially a few hours after eating a meal I wasn’t too sure about. A lot of products say low carb or show their net carbs to be around 4 (within my WOE) but when I test using my keto sticks…sometimes I’ve been knocked out of ketosis (which means I toss the rest of the product right in the trash!) or I’ve gone from a dark pink/purple ketosis reading to a light pink. Meaning I might eat this product every ONCE and a while.
Don’t Forget To Test!
When you are low carb dieting, it’s important that you STAY in Ketosis. It can be easy to fall out of ketosis in the beginning of your weight loss journey because you are not used to this way of eating. There are a lot of foods that are higher in carbs than you may think! Keep a supply of ketosis sticks so that you can test yourself at least once a day.