Getting into ketosis is the goal most low carb dieters have. But it requires that you drastically reduce the number of carbohydrates you consume daily. If you are on Atkins induction phase, that allows only 20 grams of carbs! Even when I was strictly following Atkins, it would take me 4 – 6 days to reach ketosis.
What’s All The Fuss Over Ketosis?
A ketogenic diet causes the overall insulin levels in the body to reduce, which creates favorable conditions for the process of ketosis. When the body is in the state of ketosis, there is a breakdown of fats in the liver, which in turn lead to the formation of ketones. These ketones act as the alternative energy for the body when there is a moderate intake of carbs.
How Long Does It Take To Get Into Ketosis?
Typically, when consuming a keto diet, your body will go into a state of ketosis within 3 to 6 days. The number of days you will take depends on your daily intake of the net carbohydrates. Also, there is a way to get the body into a state of ketosis in less within several hours. Read on to find out how!
The Atkins diet one of the first low carb diets to hit the market in 1972
A ketogenic diet plan restricts the consumption of carbohydrates to at most 20-net carbs daily. However, it is possible to get into ketosis quicker by eating even fewer carbs than what is recommended and increasing your activity level.
When you do this, your level of glycogen will reduce, forcing the liver to convert the fats that are in storage to energy. Dr Atkins recommends taking a diet with fewer carbohydrates and staying more active for first three days to enhance the process of ketosis. To get into ketosis faster, Dr Atkins suggested the following list of foods:
- Seafood, pork, poultry, and beef.
- Eggs. Prepare them any way you want.
- Hard aged cheese (up to 4 ounces).
- Sugarless herbs and spices.
- Cucumbers, celery, radishes and lettuce salad (2 cups).
- Heavily salted chicken or beef broth.
- Full-fat salad dressings (without sugar).
Forget about weight loss and focus on being more active
Of course, one of the quickest ways to lose weight is by adopting a keto diet. However, if your goal is to enter into the ketosis fast, you will have to ignore weight loss for now. Remember, your objective is to get into ketosis with less effort. You will get there faster by eating the foods mentioned above.
Therefore, for three consecutive days, do not give much thought to your intake of calorie. Eat until you are full. Also, do not weigh yourself; forget the bathroom scale for now. Once you achieve your aim, you can make some adjustments to your fat level, calories, proteins grams, and carbohydrate grams. At least for now, do not worry about these dietary macronutrients.
Keep in mind that the three-day diet mentioned above is not a ketogenic diet. It is just an introduction to the real keto diet, which is varied and consists of more vegetables.
Using supplements
We have come a long way since 1976! And now with supplements like Keto OS, you can enter into ketosis with 1 hour of drinking it! I personally use Keto OS. Some people say why? Your low carb and already in ketosis. The reason is simple, no matter how many carbs I cut whenever I test myself I see I’m only in Trace. It’s a day to rejoice if I’m in small! With Ketosis I tend to test within the small to moderate range. Which means I’m burning more fat! So that’s the reason why I take Keto Os. So as I started my new WOE (way of life) I hit the ground running! My first day of cutting carbs I took my first packet of Keto OS. I was in Ketosis within an hour and not 4 -6 days like normally!
White Kidney Bean Extract: I take White Kidney Bean extract if I’ve been a meal that is heavy in carbs. White kidney bean extract states that it can BLOCK your body from digesting carbs. I do my best to choose only foods that are “keto friendly” but sometimes when you are out you may slip up. Because I don’t PLAN on cheating I keep the one made by Natrol in my purse. You can take that immediately after eating a heavy carb meal. While some of them require that you take it 30 mins or more before that meal. I’ve been happy w/ Natrol because I’ve eaten dinner out and started to feel that uncomfortable “bloaty” feeling I get when I eat bread and the following day I test to see if I’ve fallen out of ketosis and I haven’t! So happy me!
Sarah Bailey
December 2, 2016I’ve heard a bit about ketosis before and seen a special diet which is meant to put you into it. It sounds like an interesting way to lose weight.
Chiara C
December 2, 2016It’s an efficient way of losing weight. It’s quite daunting at first because you have to cut back on your carbs especially sweets but the discipline to eat healthily and the results made me a believer! =)
Alli Smith
December 2, 2016I ate the low carb way for years and years. I still try to keep my carbs low but added fruit back into my diet a few years ago.
Chiara C
December 4, 2016That’s great! Fruits in moderation is actually okay on a low carb diet. Way to go! = )
Tatanisha Worthey
December 2, 2016I’m actually working on this now! This was really helpful and clear information as I’ve searched for info on this before and it’s always unclear.
Chiara C
December 4, 2016That’s great! We have a support group if you’d like to join one. Let us know if you’d like in. = )
December 2, 2016I have a few friends that practice this type of lifestyle/diet and they’ve had amazing success getting to a healthier place! I’m allergic to wheat and don’t eat grains so I’ve considered taking the leap… We’ll see!
Liz Roberts
December 2, 2016You should! I also found that each time I ate bread, I would bloat up. I went to the doctor but they said I didn’t have a grain allergy 🙁 I’ve been experimenting with some of the other types of flour to make biscuits and bread with. I really like the Almond flour so far. I’ll be adding more recipes so I hope you come back often!
Take Care
December 2, 2016Never heard of this diet called ketosis. Like how it doesn\’t deprive you of food and actually seems to be more of a change of eating habit over dieting. Which is a big plus in my books.
Chiara C
December 4, 2016It is a total lifestyle change, but one you wouldn’t regret! = )
December 2, 2016I keep hearing about the kerogenic diet. Someone I know uses it for their medical condition. They have also lost weight.
Liz Roberts
December 2, 2016Hi Pam
I started it to lose weight and hopefully avoid becoming diabetic. Right now I’m pre-diabetic, but a lot of the symptoms that were scaring me have disappeared! No more tingling in my toes, and my joints feel better. I’ve also lost 13 lbs in 1 months which makes me really happy!
Thanks for visiting and i hope you visit often!
December 2, 2016Thanks for the great information about going Ketosis. I don’t think I could ever do this though- I love my cracker sand chips!!
Chiara C
December 2, 2016The diet isn’t for everyone, but if you do change your mind this blog is a treasure trove of information and support.
Angelic Sinova
December 2, 2016I’ve been hearing a lot of things about the kerogenic diet lately! I’ll definitely have to look into it more, it seems like people are loving the results they’ve seen from it.
Chiara C
December 4, 2016You won’t be disappointed with the results! Let us know how you’re doing once you’ve started. = )
Nancy L
December 3, 2016Natrol sounds amazing! There are times when I can’t control myself and totally binge out on potato chips and other salty carbs! I could really use something to block those nasty carbs from entering my body. I have to try this!
Chiara C
December 4, 2016Let us know and we can send you one for free to try! = )
December 3, 2016I have heard a lot about ketosis and its benefits when trying to lose weight. I’m not sure I could use this diet though, I love my carbs too much!
Chiara C
December 4, 2016That’s fine. A low carb diet is not for everyone. Thank you for having a read though. = )
Rebecca Swenor
December 3, 2016This is an awesome post about the best way to get into Ketosis. I did not know about ketosis and gaining energy which is all we need to loss weight anyway. Keto OS and the Natrol are indeed something I am going to be checking out for sure. Thanks for sharing the information and your experience.
Rebecca Swenor
December 3, 2016This is awesome information on the best way to get into the Ketosis. I didn’t know any of this information and will be trying the Keto OS. The Natrol can indeed come in handy when eating out. Thanks for sharing the information
Chiara C
December 4, 2016Let us know if you’re ready for the Keto OS, so we can hook you up with it. = )
December 3, 2016Thank you so much for sharing this more in-depth! I have always wondered what Ketosis was and now, I have a little more understanding of it!
Chiara C
December 4, 2016You’re welcome. Visit our site again for more informative articles on the low carb diet.
Christina Aliperti
December 4, 2016I never quite understood the Atkins diet and ketosis until right now. Thank you for explaining it so clearly, I am definitely going to learn more.
December 4, 2016Thank you Christina! Feel free to come back and ask me any questions you may have!
Chiara C
December 4, 2016We’re glad it’s finally clear to you after reading our blog! = )
December 4, 2016I would never be able to totally eliminate carbs. I should however reduce the amount I eat.
December 4, 2016Its actually easier than you think! I’ve been doing low carb on and off for about 20 years. I would go off low carb because I would get sick of the limitations. But not anymore. Just google your favorite food and and add low carb. So many talented recipe writers have made low carb alternatives. I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything this time around!
December 4, 2016I remember when the Atkins Diet was huge when I was younger. I tried it a few times with great results. Great informative post!
Chiara C
December 4, 2016Thank you so much! We’ll spin some more quality articles and recipes for you guys. Stay tuned. = )
December 6, 2016I’ve heard of this diet. I have one friend whose son is on it for medical reasons and one who is on it for weight loss. I eat low carb, but not to this degree. Thank you for in info.
December 6, 2016Hi LaShawn!
Thanks for visiting. I hope you found the info useful, and you can share it with your friends. For your friend that is doing this for weight loss, do you think they would like a free sample of Pruvit? Feel free to send me their address and Ill send them a 5 day supply. Pruvit will help improve their results by putting them into ketosis within 1 hour of drinking it. It last for about 4 -6 hours. They will also get a boost in their energy and mental clarity! Let me know. I’ll be happy to send them a sample!
December 6, 2016I tried low carb for a couple months and lost 5lbs but never fully got into ketosis so i gave up.
December 6, 2016You were probably counting net carbs. Sometimes those “net carbs” are more carbs then they state. You may want to try again and just count real carbs per serving. It will be stricter then the way I low carb diet, but it will get you into ketosis. You can also try our product pruvit. It will put you into ketosis within 1 hour of drinking it and you will stay in ketosis for 4-6 hours. If you send me a message with your name and address I will send you a 5 day supply so you can check it out. Watch this short video about Pruvit and feel free to contact me if you have any questions!
December 6, 2016I must admit this is the first time I am learning of ketosis as a way to lose weight. I remember the science from school but never thought much about it beyond that. Interesting read
December 6, 2016Thanks for visiting Anosa! Yes, Ketosis is a great way to lose weight! Not only do you shed pounds but you shed inches even faster!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!
Rachael Mills
January 12, 2017Very informative and educative. What I would like to know is if there might be any side effect as a result of taking the supplements.